Food & Wine

Exploring Albania Food Culture at EOS Mezze Bar, in Tirana

Built in detail by three long time partners on a mission to popularize sustainable Albanian dining, EOS Mezze Bar is one of the latest additions in Tirana’s vibrant food scene -and Himara during summer months. Celebrating local tradition and hospitality, with a focus on mezzes and comfort food, the menu incorporates traditional flavors with a unique, contemporary twist.  


©EOS Mezze Bar
©EOS Mezze Bar

EOS Mezze Bar has been enchanting Albanians and visitors with its exceptional grub and cozy, peachy-hued interiors -think wood, bricks, and green details- since opening. The concept is easy: welcome guests with the best Mediterranean food, introduce to Albanian hospitality and let them feel at home. <<We strongly believe and support our Nation’s culture -a unique history of migration, trade influences, religious beliefs. At EOS, you can find curated details of Turkish, Greek, Italian and Slavic influences that have dominated our culture, tradition and gastronomy in the past. We took inspiration from them and mixed with Albanian recipes. We are bringing in a shared table the concept of a culture made up from history beyond borders>>, says Evi, Eos Mezze Bar’s host. 


©EOS Mezze Bar
©EOS Mezze Bar

EOS Mezze Bar is the only restaurant in Tirana that serves just mezzes. Here you can find more than 40 mezzes, all shared plates on the menu, and can switch form sea to earth easily. The concept of mezze is rooted in local tradition of hospitality: it is one of the main respects a family or host pays to its mysafirs, as Albanians call guests. <<Our experience as hosts starts way back to our childhood, not with the business. As kids we were raised to welcome and serve mezzes and rakis to elderly people or guests which came by our houses. We try to bring traditional house table mezzes with a strong, visionary and modern touch>>, says Evi. Fine-dining-style dishes created by the Executive Chef & Consultant Genti Skendaj (founder of Harmony Saranda) all show a deep reverence for the Mediterranean culture of mezzes, seasonal and local ingredients. Start with Ullinj bregu -Dhërmi Olives fried in panko stuffed with chorizo and served with tartar sauce. Then choose between three mains: Suxhuk Kosovë -grilled locally made artisanal sausage served with pickled and pureed beans from Kukës; Grilled Cauliflower dipped in a one month process of making the black garlic parmesan cream; or Melci -stir fired liver served with caramelized onions, smoked eggplant and pickled mustard seeds. Dishes here are colorful, powerful and tasty creations.


©EOS Mezze Bar
©EOS Mezze Bar

Wash it all down with one of Abas Albania’s stylish, artisanal pre-mixed cocktails -EOS’ Caretakers of the Bar Concept (and the mind behind new kid on the block Koni Tirana cocktail bar). From a very selective touch on gins, tequilas, and mezcals to crafted cocktails, all drinks are made from the scratch. The experience of creating a craft cocktail from ABAS starts from a careful selection of the freshest seasonal fruits, vegetables or herbs. Then, the exploration of different processes they undertake until the creation of a natural artisanal nectar, finishing with the delicate touch of its garnish. It is a long journey, until the cocktail is served. You can choose between their Umami taste of ToTo -with gin, strawberry, fresh tomato water, roasted pepper, artisanal olive tonic water; one of a kind sweet ouzo cocktail Nartis -with ouzo, gin, sage, apricot; or a more sour version of a classic Negroni in cornel infusion. All pair perfectly with the restaurant’s seasonal and tasty menu. EOS Mezze Bar is the right place to relax after work or get together with your friends.


Find out more about EOS Mezze Bar: @eos.mezzebar
Location: Rruga Njazi Demi, Tirana.

©EOS Mezze Bar